Saturday, March 28, 2020

What You Get From Ari Tutor?

What You Get From Ari Tutor?Ari Tutor is an online dating service that allows users to match with prospective partners based on an online profile and then subsequently become friends and develop romantic bonds. The basic service costs about $40 per month for users to use the service. That includes one unlimited connection at the service's location, access to private messages, and chat conversations with a certified member of staff, each month.A basic profile of you that is also known as your 'personal background'. This information helps your matches match you up with other users based on your own profile, and with the profiles of other users of the service. This helps to boost your dating success with people who are looking for 'a whole person' - a person with flaws, as well as virtues, as opposed to someone who is perfectly perfect. Ari Tutor can aid this process by selecting your matches based on this pre-existing relationship.In addition to matching you up with other people based on a pre-existing relationship, your match will be matched up with people who share the same job or work experiences that you do. This can help to establish a connection with people who share similar interests as you do, and can assist with people seeking new job opportunities.A tutor with whom you can interact with through your online chats and messaging. Many members include a mentor who mentors members while they meet other members, and other members have the option of becoming a mentor to others. This helps to build up a network of people to help you find other people you want to meet.In addition to this, you have the ability to communicate with other members who are seeking people, who you may connect with. Many websites allow other members to connect with the people they want to meet, so this provides an opportunity to set up open communication and keep in touch. This also helps to build a better relationship between people with similar interests and values.You have the abilit y to connect with other people from the entire world, across cultures, religions, and languages. For this reason, you will find that the majority of members are of the same culture or country. That makes it easier for you to discover other members from around the world who share similar interests as you do.In addition to international speed, you also have the ability to communicate with people from every region of the globe. You can also find members from other countries, which gives you a better chance to meet people who share the same language and heritage as you do. Many people are now able to meet new people while traveling across the globe, which is very beneficial for a lot of people.

Friday, March 6, 2020

American Creativity Academy

American Creativity Academy American Creativity Academy The American Creativity Academy of Kuwait's vision is to create an outstanding academic institution that blends both American curriculum and traditional Islamic values. ACA has gained the highest accreditations for the benefit and support of students, which include their unique “dual accreditation status” by the Council of International Schools and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools (MSA). The school curriculum runs from KG to Grade 12, with 100% of students being English Language Learners (ELL). Students are expected to become fluent in both English and Arabic. ACA is dedicated to preparing their students for a successful post-secondary career. 100% of their graduates are college bound and have attended top universities around the world. ACA works to develop students who are critical thinkers and see the value in life-long learning. American Creativity Academy American Creativity Academy The American Creativity Academy (ACA) was founded in 1997 by a group of visionaries who wanted to establish a school in Kuwait which offered a unique blend of an American curriculum while respecting and practicing local values. We are fully accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. We were authorized to offer the IBDP in 2008. ACA is a growing and mixed physical entity. ACA operates on two separate campuses minutes apart by car in the suburb of Hawalli.

7 Strategies for Handling Depression

7 Strategies for Handling Depression Sourced from Flickr Even though I’ve been dealing with depression since my teen years, I’m still uncomfortable talking about my mental health and seeking out professional help. Our society treats open dialogue around depression as a taboo of sorts, leaving far too many people under the impression that seeking help from a counselor, therapist, or psychiatrist, is a sign of weakness. Treatment for depression has shown to be highly effective, but according to  Emory University, less than 25 percent of people with depression receive adequate care. Emory University also notes that there are over 1,000 suicides a year on college campuses alone and that roughly 1 in 10 students have made a plan for suicide. It seems to me that a lack of awareness and a willingness to talk openly about these issues is at the heart of the problem. I lost my brother to suicide 12 years ago. Divulging that information is typically a highly uncomfortable experience, for both me and whomever I’m talking to. The listener usually displays visible awkwardness and pity. Typically, this makes me feel alien, as though something must be wrong with me. The uneasiness usually lingers as we try and change the subject, or worse, they begin grilling me with far too many questions about it. It’s not that I feel like I need to constantly bring up the traumas of my past, but when asked questions like, “how many siblings do you have?” I must decide whether to be real about my answer. Do I tell them that I had six but now only five, or just pick one of the two numbers? When I’m frank with my answer, the best responses are always the ones that don’t miss a beat, that simply acknowledge my truth and move the conversation on. If I want to discuss the matter further, I think its best to let me be in control of that. When we talk about depression and suicide with someone who is suffering, allow them to go at their own pace. Make sure they know that you are there to be supportive, and offer a nonjudgmental ear if needed. We need to have these conversations, but Ive found pushing on someone elses problems before theyre ready can do more harm than good. Losing a sibling to suicide is the biggest deterrent for me to not follow in brother’s footsteps. I know firsthand the overwhelming pain that comes with losing someone to suicide, and I could never inflict that pain on another person. Depression makes it hard to care about yourself, and when I’ve found myself in such a state, I’ve remembered the people who care about me, who would be traumatized if I gave into my mental illness. image from It is also true that depression can convince you that nobody will care if you were gone tomorrow. In my experience, this is never true. Someone always cares, whether we choose to believe that truth or not. When my brother died I was stunned to find out just how many people cared about his life, who were suffering from his decision to die. Truly, people care about you more than you can ever know. Choosing to continue living for the sake of other people is not enough, but I implore those who may be considering suicide to consider the lasting damage their death would have on those who love them. Its important to realize that people care, but its still more important to learn how to love yourself. Seek Professional Help Of course, seeking professional help is by far the most effective way to treat depression. Theres an unfortunate stigma around receiving psychological help, and I think its important we break the narrative that there is a weakness to seeking help. Seeing a mental health professional is no more a weakness than seeing a medical professional for physical health. Taking care of yourself often means seeking help. We are no more equipped to treat our own minds than we are a broken limb. Oftentimes, it may seem that such help is unavailable or too expensive, but I’ve found that all too often people are not aware of the resources available in their communities. If you’re a student, there’s most likely a psychiatric facility on your campus, and the services tend to be free. The services Ive received at  Montana State University  have been highly useful in helping me get a manageable handle on my depression. Most communities also have social programs to ensure that you can receive counseling services when you need it. Before concluding that professional help is unavailable, do some research to find what services and programs are available in your area. Whether you have depression or not, its important to be aware of these services as well. Being able to point them out to someone else whos suffering, and encouraging them to seek help can make all the difference.  My 7 Strategies for Handling Depression Im not going to pretend that Ive been perfect in managing my depression, but over the years Ive found methods that work to fight unhealthy states of mind. These strategies may not be for everyone. Professional help is almost always the best option for treating mental health issues. Still, we cannot be equipped with our own personal psychologist at all times. Below are my top seven strategies and reminders for staying in control of my depression. 1. Build a ladder: Perhaps my favorite advice for battling depression is the build a ladder concept. By seeking out experiences youve always wanted to have, essentially working on your own bucket list, you develop experiences that make your own life worth living. These experiences are like steps on a ladder that lead to a more fulfilled life. This concept comes from a woman named Martina, and you can learn more about building a ladder from her  video. 2. Failure is not the end: This is something I continue to struggle with as I finish my bachelors degree. Im terrified of failure, and I often assume I will fail before I even try. This inhibits my ability to succeed because I expect the work Im doing isnt good enough before Ive even finished it. All of that second-guessing only feeds my depression. Remember that its okay to fail, that failure is not the enemy. When I tackle assignments without worrying that I’m doing everything wrong, it makes it so much easier to move forward. We can strive to learn from our failures rather than being afraid of making mistakes. 3. Meditation: I used to think meditation was kind of dumb. Then I had a writing professor who required her students to meditate for five minutes before every class. It took me about a month of practice, likely due to my own attitude, to recognize the benefits of meditation. Taking that little bit of time to breathe and check in with myself helps keep me calm and focused. 4. Self-love:  This is probably going to sound corny to most readers, but Ive found that taking the time to tell myself positive things throughout the day, and especially when Im feeling down, really helps me build a better self-image. Sometimes, Im so off that it takes me a while to find things that I like about myself, but I can always find something, no matter how small. 5. Learn to take a compliment:  I dont take compliments well in general, but its especially when depression strikes. My typical assumption is that Im only being complimented out of pity, rather than out of genuine acknowledgment. When Im given a compliment and I notice Ive brushed it off as pity, I try to reevaluate and let the compliment sink in. Assuming negativity in an otherwise positive exchange is the depression talking. Taking the time to reevaluate helps tell depression to shut up. 6. Stop living by other peoples expectations:  Your life is your own, and nobody else gets to live it for you. When you allow the expectations of other people to dictate your life, you stop living for yourself. Think about who you want to be in life, and what kind of behavior you expect from yourself.  Its okay to screw up, but too often our shame in our failures comes from fear of what other people think, rather than from what we think and expect from ourselves. 7. Accepting and asking for help:  This goes hand in hand with seeking professional help, but it applies to daily life as well. Ive realized that Ive neglected to ask for help too many times, typically for fear of being a burden on someone else. When help has been offered to me, there are times Ive rejected it, out of my own sense of pride. Ive learned to acknowledge that fear and pride are feelings I project onto the person or situation before Ive even let them in. When Ive resisted this urge, I tend to find that people are happy to help and that accepting that help is not a weakness. We are stronger together. When the opportunity comes to return the favor, do it. You will strengthen bonds that will help you move forward. As the Beatles said, I get by with a little help from my friends.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Election 101 What You Need To Know About The U.S. Presidential Race

Election 101 What You Need To Know About The U.S. Presidential Race Image via Pexels Although the chosen one won’t formally take office, or be sworn-in as they say, until January 2017, now is a good time to learn more about the political process and how it all works in choosing the free country’s leaders. Who are the candidates and what do they represent? If you take just a cursory interest in the news, you’d be prone to think the race was between two candidates only. Technically, only two have an actually realistic chance of winning. However, more participated in this presidential race before they dropped out than ever before and even at this crucial point more candidates may have a bigger say in which way the country swings. So here goes with the 2016 candidates and the parties (and ideas) they represent: Hillary Clinton represents the Democratic Party. She became the first female candidate to be nominated for president by a major political party in the U.S. Clinton has an extensive political background. She was the first lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and from 1983 to 1992. She became the first lady of the United States in 1993 and in 2001, she became the first female senator from New York. In 2009, President Barack Obama selected her to the position of Secretary of State where she stayed until 2013. She favors expanding women’s rights, protecting rights for the LGBT community, and implementing paid parental leave among other things. Donald Trump represents the Republican Party. He is better known as a very successful businessman primarily in the real estate industry, as well as an author and reality TV personality (think, “The Apprentice”). In a surprising turn of events, he touted his non-politician status all the way to being formally nominated for president at the Republican National Convention. While many of his statements on certain issues have been controversial, Trump places a strong emphasis on stronger immigration laws, veterans’ health care reform, tax cuts, and replacing the Affordable Care Act. Jill Stein represents the Green Party. She practiced internal medicine for 25 years and served as an instructor in the same field at Harvard Medical School. She advocates for a Green New Deal, channeling Franklin D. Roosevelt, and believes renewable energy jobs should be created to address issues of the environment and climate change. She favors “free higher public education,” wants to cut military spending  and replace the Affordable Care Act with a “Medicare-for-All” system of healthcare. Gary Johnson represents the Libertarian Party. He is a two-term governor of New Mexico as well as a successful businessman and author. He unsuccessfully ran for president as a Republican on a platform of libertarianism in 2012. Johnson advocates for simplifying or lowering taxes, limited government, and military non-interventionism. He is a staunch supporter of civil liberties, favors church and state separation, opposes federal and state gun control legislation, and has endorsed gay marriage as well as current federal laws related to abortion. So how does the election process work? Citizens of the United States vote for the people they want to represent them in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Most of those votes are cast on the same day as the votes cast for the 45th president of the country. The way a president is elected is slightly different than it sounds. Voters don’t directly vote for the person they want to be president. Instead, they vote for people called ‘presidential electors’ who are a part of the electoral college. In turn, the  electors vote for a new president and vice president. The larger a state’s population, the more presidential electors the state has. So for example, California has the most with 55 while Delaware and Vermont have only three. Texas has 38 while Nevada has six. The candidate who receives the most electors’ votes wins all the electoral college votes within the state. Furthermore, the first candidate to reach the coveted magic number of 270 electoral votes wins the presidency. (In the slim event that no presidential candidate receives that coveted number of 270, then the House of Representatives will select the president with each state delegation having a single vote. If no vice presidential candidate receives a majority vote, then the Senate will select the vice president with each senator having a single vote.) If you want to cast your vote, check out the cool and informative slideshow at Refinery29 (It’s way less boring than reading a litany of small text on the topic). When is all this supposed to happen? Voters will go to the polls on November 8 to elect the next president of the United States. Every major cable news channel will run the various voting events all day and into the night. They will keep track of state closing times for voting locations, vote counts by state, and as the final numbers per state roll in, the news anchors will report which candidate has won which state. So what are the odds for each candidate? Now that we’re deep into the election season, it is safe to say that there are two clear front-runners. Unless some strange turn of fate happens, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump both have an equal shot, give or take a couple of percentages, at winning the presidency. The political climate is quite volatile this time around. Polls are taken frequently and the results vary on a number of issues. Sometimes, Trump beats Clinton by a few percentage points. Then there are times when Clinton beats Trump by the same. Third party candidates like Stein and Johnson have a much longer road to travel to actually win the presidency. But their campaigns have just as much validity as the front-runners do. When does this all become official? Well, after the general election on November 8, the people’s chosen one will celebrate the achievement, of course. But between November 9 and January 9, the president-elect (as he or she will be called) will assemble a cabinet and solidify policy. On January 20, the president-elect will be inaugurated and will officially become the 45th president of the United States.

The Pearson English Learning System

The Pearson English Learning SystemThe Pearson English Learning System is a popular multi-media learning program. The program has a software application that you can download onto your computer, a PDF of the curriculum for you to study at home, and a CD of the audio and video lessons. It is recommended for those who are struggling with reading, writing, and comprehension.The Pearson English Learning System uses an instructional system that is based on a learning model known as 'Sapir-Whorf' theory. The learning program, like most other English Language Learning Programs, uses Sapir-Whorf Theory. The theory states that what we see is often more true than what we think. As such, the learning system emphasizes education through creating texts and watching videos.This concept is a central concept in the curriculum for the English Learning System. Students will find that English is primarily written and then through reading and listening to the course, they will eventually learn to read a nd write as well. The text lessons are easy to understand and are usually presented in videos, making it easier for the student to learn.The audio portion of the program is another important feature. You will be able to listen to lessons as well as text lectures, taking courses from different parts of the world. This helps to expose students to different cultures and gives them a better understanding of how the language is used and spoken in other countries.The audio lessons are meant to supplement the lessons in the text curriculum. The system also teaches students how to use the English language, which is why the program is also referred to as a 'Language Learning System.' Students are taught to follow phrases and sentences when reading, but not all students are naturally able to do this.Like most language learning programs, the English Learning System teaches you how to read, write, and speak English. These skills help to increase confidence. The program provides proper instructi on on how to do these things, so you do not have to do it on your own. There are many step-by-step instructional guides to help the student learn.To learn to read and write English, the Pearson English Learning System is a very effective program. However, the program may not work well for students who have a difficult time reading and writing. The program is also expensive, with a cost of $495. If you cannot afford to buy the Pearson English Learning System, there are many other programs to choose from.

Chemistry Energy and Chemistry Are Both Important Concepts

Chemistry Energy and Chemistry Are Both Important ConceptsChemistry Energy (CHEM) and Chemistry (Chemistry) are the two terms that people use to describe the same thing. Although there is a difference between the two words, but they have the same effect on the same reactions. Many people think that a lot of the course material in the class that they are taking in college is not that real. Just imagine, if the students did not know what the meaning of chemistry and CHEM were, they would never be able to comprehend what the teachers are talking about in their classes.This is why it is important for students to know the meaning of these words. If they do not know the differences between these two words, then they will not be able to understand what is being taught in the class. Without understanding the meaning of the words, there would be no understanding of what is being taught.The explanation of these two words is for the purpose of differentiating between the two different levels of knowledge of the topic. The first level is where the student is taking the class to have a basic understanding of how the concepts are being explained. The second level is where the student has a general understanding of the concept and is able to apply it to a real world situation. Chemistry and CHEM are two very different things.For instance, if we were to compare chemistry to a chemical reaction, then a chemical reaction would be what is actually happening in the classroom while a chemistry energy would be what is going on in the student's mind. To begin with, a chemical reaction occurs when two atoms of the same element join with each other and form molecules. Chemical reactions are complicated and quite complex. These reactions take place in chemical reactions, which involve matter, energy, and matter/energy, and matter/energy which involve sub-atomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons.The student's mind is able to relate to this by making a chemical energy. Th is chemical energy is the same thing that occurs when two atoms join together to form molecules.When the student first learns about these two concepts, the use of the words is very confusing for them. After they become familiar with the concepts, the student is able to think about it in terms of the compound nature of the two elements. When the student masters the concept of how chemicals work, then it is not much of a shock to them, as they are actually doing the work of a chemical reaction.A student's mind needs to have energy to perform a chemical reaction. There are several ways to achieve this through the things that they are working on. If a student can do the work in the lab environment, then there is nothing wrong with them even if they are working in an empty room. The term Chemistry Energy has some meaning.

Apply These Secret Techniques to Improve your Basic Biology

Apply These Secret Techniques to Improve your Basic Biology 0SHARESShare Biology is the study of life; and life is a complex phenomenon. As a student of this subject, there are various subtleties one needs to understand. The secret behind excelling in this subject lies in understanding  basic biology. What are the things you can do to build biology as your strength subject? Read through the following 5 tips that will help you climb up the ladder of learning biology. Any biologist or a Biology teacher will suggest you to know the biological terms in order to ace in the subject. How can you learn the terms with ease? The best way is to learn the prefixes and the suffixes that make a biological term! For example-   What does a  Haematologist  does? To answer this question, all you need to do is break apart the word.  Hemato,  which is the prefix in the term, means blood. So it can be concluded that a Haematologist studies blood. Know the equipment and experiments. Experiments are an important part of life and since biology is all about life- be it a human, a plant or an animal all that is known today is through the experiments. For these experiments, the laboratory equipment like a microscope, etc. for the backbone. To learn about bacterial processes, reading up on  bacteria reproduction  is a must. And in order to do that you need to explore the abundant material available all around you- be it by way of internet or via written physical material. Biological magnification  is that event under which the concentration of a toxic material increases in a food chain. To get your basics clear on this, you need to know what a food chain is and why it needs to follow a natural course of action from one host to another. At last, the most basic yet the obvious tip is- attend lectures! Yes, attending all lectures and hanging on to every detail the tutor speaks of is very important. [starbox id=admin]